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How To Properly Clean Your Refrigerator After Holiday Leftovers

Allymaids • Dec 22, 2022
Properly Cleaning Your Refrigerator

Have you ever opened the refrigerator door and wondered “what’s that smell?” What about reaching for a snack and pulling out a container of “something unrecognizable?” Was it last week’s special from your favorite restaurant? 

What about that last bite of turkey left overs from the turkey tetrazzini you made from the Thanksgiving bird? Perhaps, it’s the leftovers from the holiday office party you thought you might snack on when wrapping your holiday gifts? Or maybe it’s that combo of cheese ball, and lobster dip a friend suggested was the new craze sweeping through the holiday season?

Whatever it is, now that we’re starting a new year, it’s time to wrap up the festive season by tidying up and getting your house back in order. And if you need help with any household tasks from basic weekly cleans to monthly cleaning, the staff at AllyMaids are eager to help.

Empty Out the Fridge

The first step to properly clean your refrigerator after holiday leftovers have been sitting for days or weeks is to remove everything from the fridge. At this point, it’s safe to say that you’re not sad to see any of it go because the old phrase, “too much of a good thing,” certainly applies to holiday goodies like oyster dressing and fruitcake.

Check for Expired Dates

After emptying the fridge, now is an excellent time to check the dates on any salad dressings, containers of yogurts, and even your favorite bottle of wine to see if any are expired or soon will be. While it might be harder to determine if a bottle of wine is no longer drinkable than yogurt and cheese with mold growing on it, we recommend using your best judgment. It’s a new year, so why not start with a clean slate, and that includes a clean fridge!

Wipe It Down

Once you have removed all the holiday leftovers from your refrigerator and checked for expired dates, it’s time to wipe them down. Remove the shelves, crisper, and ice trays to make things easier. Wash them thoroughly with hot water and mild detergent (like dish soap) and let them dry completely. 

While the shelves and trays are drying, wipe off all of the surfaces inside the fridge, and don’t forget to clean off the door handle and the front door, home to sticky fingerprints from grease and other substances.

That’s a Wrap

To finish cleaning your refrigerator, it’s time to put everything back. While you might want to replace it all quickly, we advise taking a few extra moments to determine if there are any changes you’d like to make. Have you wanted to adjust one of the shelves in the door to a better height? 

Or maybe move a shelf up to the next notch so holiday casseroles will fit better inside next year? If so, it’s a great time to make those adjustments when you have the opportunity.

The next time you need help cleaning out the fridge or want to set up a weekly cleaning service, give us a call. AllyMaids is a licensed and insured
maid service in Atlanta and we stand behind our work! Contact us today for a quote!

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